Trellis net

Trellis wire

Trellis net (cucumber) green

Trellis net (floral) white

The trellis net is an ideal solution for growing cucumbers and flowers

A trellis net is the best choice for the convenient cultivation of creeping, and tall crops, and flowers. Its use allows you to create optimal conditions for the growth of plants, providing them with the necessary support. The trellis net helps to save space on the bed, effectively using the available space for planting. Most often, it is known as a wallpaper net for cucumbers. But the list of plants grown using it is much larger.

The growing process becomes more organized, and easy thanks to the possibility of installing supports for plant stems. In addition, with the help of a net, you can achieve a higher quality harvest, since the plants have the opportunity to evenly absorb light, moisture, and nutrients.

A grid for cucumbers is also used for growing tall tomatoes, beans, peas, pumpkins, and peppers. And the wallpaper net for flowers is most often used for gladiolus, peonies, ivy, clematis, etc. It differs in color: green is used for cucumbers, and white for flowers.

Advantages of using a trellis net for cucumbers, and other climbing plants

Owners of large farms and small private plots note the great advantages of using a grid. So you should buy a net for cucumbers to get the following advantages of using it:

  • Saving space. The plants on the site are grown vertically, which allows the owners to use the limited area more efficiently. This is especially important for small areas, greenhouses, or greenhouses, where you must use every meter as efficiently as possible.
  • Increase in productivity. The net gives good support to the plants, which stimulates them to grow vertically. This allows the plants to receive more sunlight and air, which leads to an increased yield. The twisted plant is pulled up along the grid, which allows you to get more fruits from each bush.
  • Improvement of fruit quality. The grid for cucumbers and other vegetables ensures the growth of vegetables straight, and even without distortions, which makes them more attractive to owners, and buyers.
  • Reducing the risk of diseases. Vertical growth along the grid allows for better air circulation between the plants, preventing mold, and rot. In addition, the plants do not come into contact with the ground, where disease-causing organisms, and insects may be present.
  • Facilitates the harvesting process. Plants grow at the same level, so picking fruits becomes much easier. You don't need to bend down all the time and look for them on the ground between the leaves, just walk along the grid. Also, due to vertical growth, the fruits do not spoil on the ground.
  • There's no need to tie. Creeping plants are often tied to posts or fences, and constantly tied up as they grow. But you don't need to do this with a grid. So you will save time and resources significantly.

Using trellis netting for cucumbers has many benefits, from increasing yield, and improving fruit quality to saving space and making harvesting easier. So it must be on your site.

How to use the wallpaper grid

To use the wallpaper mesh correctly, it must first be installed according to the needs of the plants. It can be installed vertically or horizontally.

  • The vertical arrangement of the grid is used for winding plants. For this, wooden or metal supports are installed on the site. A net is stretched over them and fixed with wallpaper wire or wire. Plants are planted along the grid, observing the necessary distance between them. As soon as the plant sprouts, and tendrils appear on it, it is necessary to hook them vertically to the eye so that they begin to weave upwards. You don't need to tie them because they hold perfectly on their own.
  • The horizontal location is convenient for growing tall plants. Such wallpaper netting is most often used for flowers and tall crops. In this way, you will help the plants not to fall to the ground from wind or rain, protecting them from damage. In addition, thanks to the support of the wallpaper grid, flowers can develop evenly, without damage and deformation. For this, the wallpaper grid is stretched horizontally on the columns.

The use of a trellis net allows you to provide plants with the necessary support, and access to light, contributing to their healthy growth and development.

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