Disposal of agricultural fiber

On the territory of Ukraine, agricultural fiber is used by many farmers. Agrofiber can often be seen on summer cottages. It helps grow crops, protects plants from heat, frost and other adverse weather conditions. This material is often used for growing vegetables in greenhouses. Agrofiber has an affordable price, so everyone can buy it for use on their site.

Over time, agricultural fiber loses its properties and becomes unusable. After 3-7 years, the material may dry out and crumble due to external factors. Holes and other mechanical damage may also appear. What to do with agricultural fiber that can no longer be used? There are several ways to dispose of agrofiber, but only one of them is correct.

Let's consider the options with which you can dispose of agricultural fiber:

  • The first, and erroneous, way to get rid of unusable agricultural fiber is to bury it in the ground, because the term of decomposition of polypropylene in the ground is more than 50 years.
  • The second, and also erroneous, method of getting rid of agricultural fiber is its burning. It would seem that agricultural fiber can quickly burn together with household waste. But it is not quite so. Polypropylene is part of the agricultural fiber. During burning, it will only have time to melt, since the temperature of the fire will not be sufficient for its complete destruction. It will turn into a sticky mass that will not go anywhere. After some time, this mass will simply harden and become solid. You have nothing left but to leave the remnants of agrofiber at the burning site. In this way, you will not be able to dispose of it.
  • The third way, and the only correct one today, is to hand over the used agrofiber to special recycling points. In large cities and regional centers, you can throw away agricultural fiber in special containers for plastic waste. More and more such containers are appearing all over Ukraine, so every farmer has the opportunity to throw away unnecessary agricultural fiber. In the future, garbage from containers is transported to special processing plants. There are many enterprises in Ukraine that process polypropylene. After recycling, it can still serve in other products.

Now you know that agricultural fiber can be properly disposed of, and for this you do not need to burn it or bury it.

Every day, farmers and summer residents use new materials, tools and technologies on their plots in order to grow high-quality products and obtain high yields. Using all the innovative advantages, one should remember that it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil and to worry about the ecology as a whole. Therefore, if the agricultural fiber has already served its term, do not throw it in a general container, do not burn it or bury it in the ground. Use proven disposal methods. So you can save the environment and get rid of unnecessary material.

  • Disposal of agricultural fiber

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