Summer is the time for planting autumn vegetables. What plants to grow?

Summer is a great time for plant fall vegetables. Proper planning and planting of seedlings will allow you to get a rich harvest before the onset of cold weather. In this article, we will look at some popular crops that can be grown in the summer, as well as provide practical advice on the correct planting of seedlings.

What plants can be planted in summer?

  • Carrots are one of the most popular fall crops. Choose varieties that ripen quickly and cut off the top of the leaves to speed up the ripening process of the roots. Before planting, dig up the soil, add compost or fertilizer to nourish the soil, and sow the seeds about 1-2 cm deep.
  • Radish is another vegetable crop that can be successfully grown in the summer for autumn consumption. Choose fast-growing radish varieties and plant the seeds about 1 cm deep. Keep regular watering to avoid bitterness in the roots.
  • Autumn cabbage. Cabbage seedlings are recommended to be grown in July so that they have enough time to develop before the onset of cold weather. Provide better growing conditions by keeping seedlings away from excessive sunlight and watering them regularly.
  • Spinach is a vegetarian crop that can be grown throughout the year, including autumn. It has a high nutrient content and grows quickly. Before planting spinach, moist and fertile soil is key. Submerge the seeds to a depth of about 1 cm, keeping the distance between plants about 15-20 cm.
  • Lettuce or arugula can also be planted in the summer for a fall crop. They grow well in cool temperatures. Plant seedlings or seeds in well-prepared soil with sufficient moisture. Keep the distance between plants about 20-25 cm.

Here are some useful tips for a successful landing:

  • Choose varieties that are suitable for autumn climates and have a short growing season.
  • Provide adequate watering. Summer is often hot, so follow the watering schedule, especially for young plants.
  • Apply mulch to conserve soil moisture and prevent weed growth. For mulching, it is convenient to use black agrofibre and agrofabric TM Agreen.
  • Protect plants from pests and diseases using natural or chemical control methods.
  • Do not forget that July and August are very hot months. Therefore, it is necessary to protect plants from excessive sunlight, overheating and burns. We advise you to choose a shading net for protection from the sun. You can order a dark green and decorative shading net of various sizes and degree of shading from us.
  • Protect plants from early frosts by using covering materials or greenhouses. Our company manufactures white covering agrofibre and mini-greenhouses to protect plants from frost.

Seedlings of autumn vegetables, planted in July, provide an opportunity to get a fresh harvest in late autumn. It is important to follow the correct planting and care, providing plants with the necessary moisture and nutrition. We will help you grow a rich and healthy harvest. Order covering and mulching agrofibre, agrofabric, shading net in bulk on our website. Our managers will gladly advise you and help you choose the necessary products for the care and protection of plants.

  • Summer is the time for planting autumn vegetables. What plants to grow?

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