Protection of grape plantations during ripening

Viticulture is a true art that requires knowledge and attention to detail. Grape ripening is the most important stage during which the quality of the future harvest is determined. However, this period also brings many challenges for winegrowers, including pests, diseases, and adverse weather conditions. In this article, we will look at effective methods of protecting the vines during ripening so that you can get the best harvest.

Why is protecting grapes during ripening so important?

Ripening of grapes is when the berries are filled with sugar, aromas, and other useful substances. At the same time, it is during this period that grapes become most vulnerable to external influences. Insufficient protection can lead to significant crop losses and deterioration of its quality.

A great harvest starts with the right approach to protecting your vineyard. So, let's consider the main threats and methods of overcoming them.

The main threats to the vineyard during ripening


  • Wasps: Wasps often attack ripe grapes, damaging the berries and causing them to rot.

  • Birds: Birds can eat much of the crop, leaving the grower without the expected result.


  • Mildew: This fungal disease can destroy an entire crop if left untreated.

  • Oidium: Another fungal infection that affects the berries and leaves of grapes.

Weather conditions

  • Hail: Can destroy crops in minutes.

  • Drought: Insufficient moisture leads to a decrease in the quality of berries.

Methods of Grape Protection

1. Protection from pests

  • Setting traps: Using special traps for wasps will help reduce their numbers around the vineyard. Traps can be purchased or made yourself.

  • Bird nets: Stretching special nets over the vineyard will help protect the berries from birds. This is a simple and effective way to preserve the harvest.

2. Protection against diseases

  • Fungicides: Regular spraying of grapes with fungicides will help prevent the spread of fungal diseases. It is important to follow the instructions for using the drugs.

  • Proper watering: Avoiding over-wetting will help prevent fungal infections. Watering should be done early in the morning or the evening.

3. Protection from weather conditions

  • Hail nets: Installation of special nets will help protect grapes from hail. These nets can also provide additional shade, reducing the risk of berry burns.

  • Mulching: Using mulch helps retain moisture in the soil, which is especially important during periods of drought. It can be straw, grass, or special agricultural fibers.

Contact us for professional advice and the selection of optimal solutions for your vineyard. Our specialists will help you choose the best products and develop an effective crop protection strategy.

Protecting the vineyard during ripening is a complex but extremely important process that requires attention and knowledge. Using the right protection methods, you can ensure a high-quality harvest and protect your plantations from pests, diseases, and adverse weather conditions.

Choose the best for your vineyard with ™  Agreen products and enjoy stable and high harvests!

  • Protection of grape plantations during ripening

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