Use of Agreen agrofiber for cultivating carrots

Carrot is a very healthy vegetable. It contains many vitamins, macro- and microelements. Among them, carotene occupies a special place. Vitamin A is necessary for good vision development, growth, to maintain healthy skin and strong hair. To strengthen the immune system, experts recommend eating carrots in raw form. Many different dishes are prepared from carrots, it can be processed and canned. Young carrots are in great demand among buyers, especially in spring. Therefore, there will always be a place for its cultivation in summer cottages.

In order to get a harvest before others, summer residents and farmers use Agreen agricultural fiber for growing carrots. Covering agrofiber is of different density. Material with a density of 17 g/m2 to 30 g/m2 is suitable for growing carrots. When choosing, you should focus on the climatic conditions in which cultivation will be carried out. Similarly, the carrot variety is of great importance. To get an early harvest, you need to choose early varieties. There are quite a lot of them on the market, so everyone will be able to find the best option for themselves.

Carrot cultivation technology using Agreen agrofiber

Carrot is a cold-resistant plant. Carrot seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of about 3-5°C. You can see the stairs at this temperature only after a month. To get an early harvest, the temperature should be between 20 °C and 30 °C. Then, germination will begin in 4-5 days. The optimal temperature for growing carrots is 15-25 °C.


The plot for planting carrots should be on the sunny side. Carrot seeds are sown in winter or early spring. With winter sowing, carrot seeds are planted in the soil at a depth of 1 cm, with spring sowing - at 2 cm. It makes no sense to sow seeds deeper, as they will take a long time to germinate. Carrots are usually sown in rows. The distance between rows should be up to 40 cm. In order to get an early harvest, seeds should be sown in early spring. It is necessary to use special cultivation methods that will allow to accelerate the growth process. One of them is the use of agrofiber.

Agrofiber is made of non-woven material that will help protect crops, increase yield and accelerate the growth of carrots. The use of agrofiber when growing carrots will help:

  • Protect carrots from bad weather conditions. Hurricane, hail and strong wind will not be able to destroy your future harvest. Plants are reliably protected under agrofiber. Strong and light material does not break through hail.
  • Get enough moisture. Agrofiber passes water well. You can water carrots without removing the agrofiber. Rainwater will be able to penetrate the soil easily, feeding the plants. Moist soil plays a big role in growing carrots. Under agrofiber, the soil does not dry out quickly. You will not have problems with the appearance of a crust, which prevents the germination of seeds and complicates the growth of plants. Uneven moisture or abundant watering can lead to cracking of root crops, with the use of agrofiber, such a situation is impossible. A special microclimate is formed under it, which contributes to the proper development of the plant. Protect the future carrot crop from frost. Although carrots can tolerate frost, it is better to take care of their preservation. Agrofiber will help plants not to freeze at temperatures down to -8 °C.
  • Protect crops from insects and birds. Birds will not be able to harm the root crops, as they will be securely protected under the agrofiber. One of the problems that summer residents face when growing carrots is the destruction of the crop by hares. They love carrot roots and try to eat them. It will be much more difficult for them to penetrate under the agricultural fiber, which is fixed at the edges.

It is necessary to thin carrots in order to get root crops of the correct shape and good taste. To do this, the agrofiber just needs to be pushed aside. The light material is easy to remove.


Early carrot varieties can be harvested 2 months after planting. Harvesting must be done carefully so as not to damage the root crops. It is best to do it in warm and dry weather. If the tops start to turn yellow, it means it's time to harvest. Depending on the variety, carrots can be of different sizes. Short and medium root crops can be pulled out of the ground. Long roots should be dug up. Carrots are dug up and allowed to dry. If you plan to send the harvested crop for sale, you can wash the carrots. Then the appearance of the products will be ideal. But in this case, its storage period will be shortened. As a rule, carrots are placed in boxes with the tops already cut off.

The use of Agreen agricultural fiber will give you the opportunity to harvest two weeks earlier than usual. At the same time, the yield will increase by 20-30%. Since the use of agrofiber when cultivating carrots has a number of advantages, the popularity of this material is growing every year. Agreen agricultural fiber can be used several years in a row. And with proper storage, the service life of agricultural fiber can reach 5 years. After use, agrofiber must be dried and stored in a closed room. Exposure to direct sunlight is not desirable. Agrofibers can be damaged by rodents, so you need to get rid of them. In the next season, it will be enough for you to get agrofiber and stretch it over the crops. All properties of the material will be preserved, and it will be able to protect the future harvest reliably. The only drawback is the cost of agricultural fiber. But since you are making a purchase for several seasons, the costs are worth it. The cost will pay off very quickly. Already in the first year of use, you will be able to evaluate the positive result from the use of agrofiber. It will pleasantly surprise and delight you.

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