Use of Agreen agricultural fiber for cultivating cabbage

In early spring, the demand for young white cabbage grows rapidly. Every family wants to get the first vitamins contained in vegetables. Farmers throughout Ukraine grow early cabbage. This production is profitable. Summer residents also plant cabbage on their plots. To obtain an early harvest of cabbage, experts advise using agrofiber. Agricultural fiber of the Agreen trademark is produced from strong materials that have excellent properties. Among them, the following can be distinguished:

  • Good air and water permeability. Thanks to this, the plant will be able to develop quickly and receive all the necessary nutrients. Cabbage can be watered through agricultural fiber, water will perfectly penetrate through the material and enter the soil. Cabbage under agrofiber will be closed, but air circulation will remain at a high level. It will penetrate into the middle without any obstacles.
  • Protection from birds and various insects. As you know, growing vegetables attracts birds, which often damage the grown products. Agrofiber will help to avoid such problems. Birds will not be able to sit on the cabbage and damage it.
  • Protection against minor frosts. With the help of agrofiber, early crops of cabbage tolerate frosts that occur, most often at night. Since seedlings are planted early, frost often destroys cabbage. Agrofiber, with a density of 23-30 g/m2, can protect early cabbage from frost, down to -5 °C.
  • Good light transmission. Agrofiber transmits light very well, while protecting plants from harmful ultraviolet rays. It is very important that cabbage, in the process of growth, receives a sufficient amount of sunlight. But often, high solar activity can be harmful. Stretched agricultural fiber will help to avoid such a situation.

Cabbage cultivation technology under agrofiber

To get an early harvest, you need to sow cabbage seeds starting at the end of January. First, you need to sow seeds in special cassettes or boxes for growing seedlings. There are different varieties of cabbage, for growing an early harvest, you need to choose early-ripening varieties accordingly. The choice on the market is quite large, so there should be no problems with this. To obtain an early harvest, seedlings are grown for 2 months before planting in the ground. Since early cabbage is a light-loving plant, for growing seedlings, you need to take care of good lighting. If there is a lack of lighting, the seedlings are pulled out, after which they do not take root well in open ground.

Seedlings for early cabbage are best grown in greenhouses or glasshouses. White cabbage seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 2-3 °C. At a temperature of 18-20 °C, seedlings begin to appear in 3-4 days. All varieties of white cabbage need nitrogen fertilizers. If there are enough of them, then the growth of seedlings will be faster, and it will have a powerful leaf apparatus, which will allow you to get larger heads of cabbage at harvest.

After planting seedlings in the soil, early cabbage should be covered with agrofiber. There are many options of agrofiber, which differ in the density of the non-woven material. For growing early cabbage, it is recommended to use Agreen agricultural fiber with a density of 17 g/m2, 19 g/m2, 23 g/m2 and 30 g/m2. Depending on the region of residence and weather conditions, it is necessary to choose the optimal density of agricultural fiber. Agreen agricultural fiber comes in different sizes. You can choose the desired width that will suit your fit. This is very convenient, since you do not have to cut or wrap the edge of the material used. Agrofiber must be fixed at the edges. You should not pull the material strongly, as it will interfere with the growth of early cabbage.

The photo shows the planting of cabbage with the use of Agreen agrofiber and without the use of agrofiber.

The use of Agreen covering agrofiber protects cabbage from various insects. One of them is cruciferous fleas. These are small striped beetles that can completely destroy the future crop. Agrofiber will help effectively fight this problem.

If you use a drip irrigation system, then there should be no problems with rotting of the root system. If you water in other ways, you need to pay attention to the fact that the soil is completely dry before the start of the next watering.

Harvesting and advice on proper agrofiber storage

The ripeness of cabbage can be determined by touch. The head should be firm and reach the required dimensions. If the cabbage is not removed in time, it begins to crack. Timely harvesting of early cabbage is indicated by the stoppage of its growth. Also, when the cabbage has grown, the lower leaves begin to turn yellow, which signals the beginning of harvesting.

Agrofiber is easily removed, if necessary, and does not interfere with harvesting. The used material is carefully rolled into rolls and put in storage. It can still be used for at least 4 seasons, with proper storage. It is advisable to store agricultural fiber in a closed and warm room, without direct sunlight. In such conditions, it will retain its properties longer. In the next season, you will only need to unfold the agrofiber and stretch it over the crops. Several people can handle this job without much effort.

Early cabbage, which is grown under agricultural fiber from the Agreen brand, is ready for harvest in mid-to late May. Such an early harvest will make it possible to obtain a significant profit when selling. If you grow cabbage in your summer cottage for personal purposes, you will be able to please your family with a delicious salad in the shortest possible time.. The use of agrofiber increases the yield of early cabbage by 25-35%, and its ripening period is shortened by at least two weeks. These are very good indicators that motivate more and more farmers and summer residents to cultivate early cabbage under agrofiber. Those who tried to grow cabbage using agrofiber will not be able to give it up in the future. The convenient covering system and the obtained result fully justify the cost of the material.

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