Use of Agreen agrofiber for cultivating cucumbers

Cucumbers are in demand among buyers throughout the summer and autumn. When the vegetable season comes, cucumbers are used not only fresh. They are processed and preserved. Everyone wants to harvest vegetables as early as possible. In order for cucumbers to start bearing fruit, you need to use Agreen agricultural fiber earlier than usual. Among the seeds there are earlier varieties of cucumbers. You need to choose one of these types.

Agreen agrofiber will be able to protect your plants from:

  • Frostbite. Agreen agricultural fiber has different densities. The higher the density, the lower temperatures it can withstand. Covering agrofiber for growing cucumbers should not be very dense. An agricultural fiber with a density of 23 g/m2 would be ideal. It will be able to withstand temperature drops and drops to -5 °C.
  • Burning sun. Agreen white agricultural fiber protects plants well from harmful ultraviolet rays. At the same time, it transmits light well. Cucumbers will receive the necessary lighting, while not burning in the sun.
  • Birds and insects. Birds often damage the plant. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to stretch the agricultural fiber.
  • Bad weather conditions. With the help of agrofiber, strong gusts of wind and hail will not be able to destroy the planted cucumbers. Plants will be reliably protected under a quality shelter.

Agrofiber absorbs moisture well, so you don't need to worry about water not getting into the soil. Cucumbers will be able to receive a sufficient amount of liquid, even if watering is carried out through agrofiber. The ideal option, of course, is a drip irrigation system, but, unfortunately, not every summer resident or farmer can install it. Such a system requires investing a certain amount of money, which can return only after a few years.

Technology of cultivating cucumbers using Agreen agrofiber

Under the agrofiber, the first sprouts of cucumbers appear after 5-15 days, depending on the cultivated variety. If you immediately after planting the seeds, you covered the plants with agrofiber, then this guarantees you uniform seedlings. Under the agrofiber, the temperature is maintained, which is optimal for the growth of early varieties of cucumbers. If you need to get a harvest even earlier, then before planting in a permanent place, you need to grow seedlings. At the beginning of April, the seeds can already be planted for seedlings. After the appearance of the first leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into the soil.

The plant does not tolerate frost, so sheltering with Agreen agrofiber will help cucumbers not die. Since the cucumbers need to be tied, the agrofiber can be stretched over the arcs and fixed at the bottom. The optimal conditions for cultivating cucumbers are a temperature of 25°C and up to 30°C with an air humidity of 70%. It is difficult to ensure such conditions if you do not use covering white agrofiber.

In order not to loosen the soil and weed weeds, you can use black agrofiber for mulching. Before laying it, the soil must be prepared for planting cucumbers. It is fertilized and cleaned of weeds. Under agrofiber, the soil will not dry out and the frequency of watering can be reduced by more than two times. Holes are made in black agrofiber with a high density of at least 50 g/m2, in which seedlings are planted. The distance between cucumber bushes should be at least 20 cm, and between rows - 40-60 cm.

As the plants grow, the covering agrofiber can be lifted so that it does not interfere with the proper development of cucumbers. A very important point when growing early cucumbers is their watering. If the soil dries out completely and you do not water the cucumbers, they will become bitter. Unfortunately, in the future, you will not be able to get rid of bitterness. Such a harvest will not bring you profit, as the taste will be spoiled. It will be unpleasant to eat such cucumbers. Few will like the bitter aftertaste.


It is necessary to collect cucumbers that have already reached the required size often. Sometimes harvesting is carried out twice a day, so as not to miss the grown fruits. Frequent collection contributes to the abundant appearance of new ovaries. Since no one wants to buy large cucumbers, you need to monitor their growth carefully. If you used agricultural fiber for mulching, then harvesting will bring you pleasure. You will be able to move along the agrofibre easily. Feet and shoes will not be contaminated with earth. This is very important, especially if it has rained and the ground is wet under your feet.

It is necessary to collect the fruits in such a way that the stalk remains on the whip. It is not advisable to twist the fruit stalks, it is better to cut the cucumbers with a knife. Collected cucumbers are immediately placed in the shade or in a cool room. If you are selling cucumbers, it is better to send them to the market or store immediately after harvesting. They will not be able to be stored for a long time and will begin to wither, and they will not want to buy such products. Those varieties of cucumbers that have a thick skin will be able to lie longer. During storage, the temperature should not exceed 8 °C.

The use of Agreen agricultural fiber when cultivating cucumbers increase the yield of cultivated products by 20-30%. Cucumbers under agrofiber retain a good marketable appearance and are practically not susceptible to various diseases. Cucumbers remain protected from insects and pests.

Agreen agrofiber will help you simplify the cultivation technology and save time. It is easily removed after use. After you no longer need it, you can store it until the next season. Agricultural fiber is used, as a rule, for 3-4 seasons. It is better to store such material in a closed room, without direct sunlight. Before sending agricultural fiber to storage, make sure that it is dry and clean. For the next season, you will just need to get the material and cover the planted area with it. All the properties of agrofiber will be preserved, and it will protect your plants.

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