Use of Agreen agricultural fiber for cultivating beetroot
Beetroot can grow on almost any soil, so
it is cultivated all over the territory of Ukraine. Beetroot is also grown on
an industrial scale. It does not require special care, so there will be a place
to sow beets on every country plot. Many dishes are prepared from beetroot, and
they also store well. Varieties that are collected in late autumn can last
until summer. In order to accelerate the growth of beetroot and obtain a high
yield, one cannot do without the use of agrofiber. Agreen covering agrofiber has
certain properties that will help to get a good and high-quality harvest.
The use of Agreen agricultural fiber guarantees:
- Reliable protection
against frost. The covering agrofiber can be of different density.
Agricultural fiber with a density of 17 g/m2 can withstand
frosts up to -2 °C, and with a density of 50 g/m2 - up to -7
°C. Agrofiber with a density of 23-30 g/m2 is suitable for
growing beetroot. It withstands temperature drops down to -5 °C.
- Slow evaporation of
moisture from the soil. Moisture penetrates the soil very well through
agrofiber. It nourishes the plant, which ensures their proper development.
The soil under agrofiber dries out more slowly, which allows summer residents
to save on watering. It can be held less often. But the required amount of
water will depend directly on the weather conditions.
- Good protection against
bad weather conditions. Strong gusts of wind will not be able to destroy
the future beetroot harvest. Hail will also not be able to break through
agrofiber, as it is made of high-quality and durable materials.
- Sufficient light. Agreen
agrofiber transmits sunlight well, but at the same time blocks harmful
ultraviolet rays. You can not worry about the fact that the beet will
remain in the shade. Plants will receive light in the required amount.
- Protection from insects,
birds and other pests. Agrofiber protects beets from various types of
rodents and birds. The fruits will remain undamaged and have a good
marketable appearance.

The use of covering agrofiber will help you avoid a
number of problems that arise when growing beetroot. Every year, more and more
summer residents turn their attention to such material for plant protection as
agrofiber. It not only protects the planted plants, but also accelerates their
growth. When using agrofiber, you will start harvesting 10-15 days earlier than
usual. This is very important if you need to sell grown products. Early sales
can increase your profit. Also, the use of covering agrofiber increases beet
yield by 20-25%. Beetroot grown under agrofiber has a good appearance and
excellent taste.
Beetroot cultivation technology
The best predecessors for growing beetroot are: onions, tomatoes and legumes.
Beetroot can be sown by seeds directly into the soil, or pre-prepared seedlings
can be planted. Beetroot is a cold-resistant crop, so its seeds begin to
germinate at a temperature of 4-5 °C. But for good and rapid development of
plants, the temperature should not be lower than 23°C. Before sowing beets, the
soil should be fertilized and loosened well. It is desirable to plant seeds to
a depth of 2-3 cm., in early May. Sowing is carried out in a wide-row method,
the distance should be 40-55 cm. Pests and spring frosts can destroy the future
beet harvest, so it must be covered with agrofiber. Agricultural fiber from the Agreen trademark will help speed up the growth process and
protect crops from frost and bad weather. It perfectly passes water, so if the
weather conditions allow not to water, you can use it. Moisture will penetrate
into the soil and stay there, feeding the plants. Due to the covering
agrofiber, it will not evaporate quickly. A special microclimate is formed
under the agrofiber, which promotes rapid growth and ripening. Agrofiber also
protects planted beetroot from pests such as beet weevil and beet flea. You
will not need to use insecticides to control pests. The stairs under the
agrofiber are uniform, which will ensure the growth of beetroot at the same
speed. This is very important because the harvest will be done on the same day.
Before harvesting, in 20-25 days, you need to stop watering beets. Harvesting
should be done on days when there is no rain. The weather should be dry and
sunny. Digging root crops is a serious process. It is necessary to act very
carefully so as not to damage the beetroot. If the beetroot is damaged, it will
become unsuitable for long-term storage and can only be used for processing.
After the beetroot has been dug up, it must be cleaned of leaves, leaving the
petioles, a maximum of 1 cm. If necessary, the beetroot is sorted by size. It
is better to store beets in a cool and humid place. Such conditions are
suitable in order to preserve all the taste qualities.
After the agrofiber has been removed, it is sent for
storage in a warehouse. It will be useful for use for several seasons. It is
desirable to store the covering material in a room where there are no rodents.
They can gnaw holes, and then the material will become unusable. Exposure to
direct sunlight is also not desirable.
You will be able to see the effectiveness of Agreen
agrofiber when growing beetroot in the first year of use. The high yield and
good quality of the obtained products will pleasantly surprise you. The funds
spent on the purchase of agricultural fiber will quickly return to you. Even if
you grow beets for personal purposes, it will be nice to get an early harvest
and prepare delicious dishes from it. Agrofiber is made of light but strong
materials, so any summer resident will be able to handle it. If you try to grow
beetroot under agrofiber, you will not be able to refuse it, and will use this
material for growing other vegetables and fruits.